Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Week #8

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a great week because mine was absolutely insane. So insane in fact that I did not actually travel anywhere. I know this mainly a travel blog but I truly did not have the time, nor funds to do any traveling.

The time was taken up from moving from an apartment to a house. It was an awesome decision made last year and now that I'm finally moved and almost completely settled I couldn't be more happy. My roommate to the master bathroom, so unfortunately no bath tub reading in the future, but I am happy with 2 rooms and a bathroom as well. Even though its not one big suite. This gives me the opportunity to spread out. So I have my bedroom for sleeping and clothes (and in the future an apple TV!), my bathroom for....bathroom stuff, AND an extra room which I have turned into a office/reading/ office space!

I am really excited to use this space as a creative space. For writing these blogs and hopefully some stories. I recently got a notepad with some pens for cartooning so hopefully more sketching and drawing in the future. I have an ocarina I have to learn how to play and also my ukulele and cajon which should make for some interesting tunes. And of course, reading other peoples creativity and ideas. So hopefully more will come out of this blog because of this creative space I've created.

So the move wasn't the only thing. I started year two of teaching yesterday. It feels to be great to be back in the classroom and I feel so much better about it than I ever did last year. I'm at a new school in the district so we will see how it goes but it should be awesome!

Anyways that's really all I've been up to this week. I have been reading and watching shows. I am about 100 pages into Rick Riordan's "Magnus Chase and The Sword of Summer" which is good so far. Diffidently switching it up from his normal formula so I really like that! I'm also on season 2 of "30 Rock" which is pretty awesome so far. I am a huge Tina Fey fan and enjoy most of what she puts out so I'm excited to see the series progress. Jackie D is my favorite so far on the show. Anyways on the three reviews I have this week. Hope you enjoy this short post after a few long ones!

Movies: Suicide Squad is the next installment to this most recent D.C. Universe. In my opinion, it is starting to figure out the tone and themes of this universe. I really hope that the rest of the movies have this idea behind them because I enjoyed this movie a lot. Acting was all great and that's where this movie really shines, the characters were all great! Costumes, back stories, motivations, and interactions. There a few problems due to editing where some things just don't make sense but I really enjoyed this film and hope to see the D. C. universe turn around it's movie career! Suicide Squad gets a 4 out of 7

Music: "Falling into Place" by Rebelution is a reggae album. Now I love reggae as a style of music and feel like Bob Marley perfected and owned this style of music for all time. I feel like reggae has not gone anywhere or changed since Bob Marley. Rebelution classifies themselves as a reggae fusion band but all I hear is the generic reggae sound I've always known with nothing new to the table. No songs really stood out to me on this album, maybe "Inhale Exhale (ft. Protoje) but other than that this album did nothing for me in the terms of enjoyment of musical movement. "Falling into Place" by Rebelution gets 1 out of 7 stars

Music: "Guidance" by Russian Circles are one of my best friend's favorite bands. I have heard them and listened to them before and have not enjoyed them much. That is not the case for this album. It is a very well crafted, beautifully mixed, and moving album. It's not my favorite type of music though so I am not truly drawn to it but I did enjoy this album as a whole. The first track "Asa" really set the tone for it and "Mota" was where it really picked up steam. With all that being said it still does not compel me to listen over and over again. With all that being said "Guidance" by Russian Circles gets 4 out of 7 stars. 

Now that's this week's extremely short blog. Let me know if you guys like this length better! Or maybe you liked the longer weeks with travel topics in it too. Either way let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Or comment on here! I would love to hear your feedback! Have an awesome week everyone!

                                              All the Best, Ross

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